👋 Hi, I'm Andrei

I am a developer, designer and composer with an appreciation for user-friendliness, a keen eye for aesthetics, and a deep love for anything to do with the web, software, languages, culture, music or art.

Being a highly organised and resourceful individual, I find it easy to remain calm even under pressure, and am always open to new challenges. I am searching for a place within the field of web development or technology in general, but remain open to other challenges that businesses looking to utilize strong interpersonal skills may be seeking to pose.

Having been passionate about web design and development from a very young age, I have garnered much experience in the field, and have gained many UI/UX‐related skills that allow for me to refine and tailor a smooth and comfortable experience for the end user on the ever-expanding, and as such increasingly complex internet. This is my vocation, and just one of the ideals that I have formed throughout my web development journey.

I am all too familiar with taking advantage of APIs, and thoroughly enjoy developing with various web technologies such as the indispensable HTML/CSS/JS, as well as modern siblings of theirs such as TypeScript, Node, Vue, Nuxt, Alpine, jQuery etc.

In addition to the above, I must also mention my familiarity with the Microsoft Office suite, Windows and Linux systems, GitHub version control and collaboration, and the fact that I am rather knowledgeable in image and video manipulation via software such as Photoshop and Vegas Pro.

My code editor of choice is VS Code (though I also like using Sublime Text for tiny projects and general text editing), and other than web technologies, I also have some experience working with Python, Bash/GitBash/Cygwin, Lua etc.

🛠️ Skillset
HTML CSS Tailwind CSS JavaScript TypeScript Vue.JS Nuxt.JS Alpine.js jQuery Node.JS Python APIs Bash GitBash Cygwin VS Code Sublime Text GitHub Outlook Word PowerPoint Excel Windows Linux/UNIX Photoshop Vegas Pro Writing Music Composition Music Theory Electric Guitar Reaper FL Studio Mixing Mastering User Interfaces (UI) User Experience (UX) Design Information Technology (IT) Technical Support Translation Teamwork Cooperation Communication Decision Making Problem Solving Time Management
🌍 Languages
🇺🇸 🇬🇧 English — C2
I was born and raised in Romania, but given that I was also taught English alongside the national language while growing up, I am now capable of speaking both of them fluently, and am currently challenging myself to learn Japanese due to my profound interest in Asian languages and the people who speak them.
🇷🇴 Romanian — C2
Am fost născut și crescut în România, dar am fost învățat încă din copilărie să vorbesc nu numai limba națională ci și Engleza, așadar acum sunt capabil de a conversa fluent în ambele, iar în prezent studiez limba Japoneză deoarece sunt profund interesat de către limbile Asiatice și oamenii care le vorbesc.
🇯🇵 Japanese — B1 — JLPT N3
📈 Experience
2022 — Present https://oxfordbusinesscollege.ac.uk
Oxford Business College
Working as a Student Support and Welfare Officer at Oxford Business College has had me as the primary point of contact for general enquiries from the student body and staff, which has presented me with the opportunity of taking the lead on welfare, safeguarding, as well as various other matters at the campuses I was stationed at. Furthermore, I have had opportunities to develop various software that integrates with the current infrastructure of the college. In order to optimize my workflow and ensure quality results, I have developed several JavaScript and Node.JS scripts and programs that take advantage of various APIs and datasets, and extend or otherwise improve the functionality of the systems in use by the college. A few examples include (however are not limited to) a browser-based userscript that allows multi-querying the student database, an automation tool that enhances and makes the student card issuing process more accessible, and a parcel tracking-style website which allowed students to see the status of their cards in real time, by using the ID numbers associated with themselves and said cards. This post has required me to comply with confidentiality and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) standards and laws, manage student welfare processes and other kinds of information by using the Student Information System (SIS) efficiently and proactively. In addition, it has been required of me to keep up to date with policies, issues, and legislations regarding personal, pastoral, and academic matters, and to develop and maintain close operational collaboration with other departments. I have had to work with colleagues across the company in order to ensure that students are fully and adequately supported at all times—having any barriers to learning promptly and effectively dealt with—and to identify and escalate important or urgent matters to the appropriate personnel via triage skills.
2021 — 2022
NABBA Consulting
NABBA was a local web consulting firm from my hometown. I was hired on a fixed-term contract to work on and maintain their official website remotely. While working for them, I had to utilize my front-end skills in order to redesign and refactor certain outdated aspects of their website such as the user interface. I was also tasked with designing and producing promotional or marketing material for the company, which I was able to do in Photoshop.
🎓 Education
2016 — 2020 https://colecoarad.ro
Economics College of Arad
Having more than 130 years of tradition behind its name, the Economics College of Arad is a prestigious and instructional educational institution, whose outstanding results have been recognized at a European level in 2013. Over the years, entire generations of the young have been trained in various fields, with graduates having acquired the education necessary in order to adapt to the ever-changing demands of the labour market. The school's educational strategy encourages the youth to harness their creative spirit, and to be open to conversation and responsibility for their future careers. It is here, at this college, that I have had the pleasure of studying accountancy, the Romanian and English languages and literature written in them, geography, mathematics, physics, and history, as well as receiving my diploma in the field of economics, accountancy and finance.
💮 Certifications
Credential ID #542583/4665086/15039572
GDPR EU: Essentials
Issued at Oxford Business College via iHasco
Credential ID #542583/4665086/15232997
Display Screen Equipment
Issued at Oxford Business College via iHasco
Credential ID #542583/4665086/15229770
Fire Awareness in Education
Issued at Oxford Business College via iHasco
Credential ID #542583/4665086/15232796
Safeguarding Adults (Level 2)
Issued at Oxford Business College via iHasco
Credential ID #542583/4665086/15232518
Prevent Duty
Issued at Oxford Business College via iHasco
🔧 Projects
This website
Hand-crafted and framework-free, a completely vanilla experience that is delivered to your screen with pure HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Kana Input Practice
keybr.com‐inspired browser-based game/tool that makes learning the Japanese "kana input" keyboard layout a breeze.
GitHub NPM
An API wrapper and extension for a custom textboard known as "danger/u/" that makes use of the official API provided by the creators, and scrapes the other data from the website by making use of the Axios and Cheerio libraries.
GitHub Live Demo
A simple browser-based flashcards-type application that helps you learn toki pona, a constructed language comprised of a few dozen words, in a gradual manner. Made for the purpose of experimenting with VueJS. Inspired by itazuraneko's Japanese kana memorization tool.
Exalpha keygen deobfuscation
Comprehensification of the user-specific key generator used in a relatively popular Minecraft ARG, that also removes the developer-imposed limitations and solves a bug to do with the length of the username.
A textboard created from scratch alongside a friend of mine in order for the two of us to familiarize ourselves with Node, Express and routing.
📑 References

Available on request.